Your weekly five-point summary of what's new with Nadege.
1. What's Coming:
We're building our security wall! After the #RestoredGala, we were about $5,000 shy of the $45,000 needed to start construction. Thanks to a generous donor that need has been met! Construction will begin this upcoming fall. Hope, hope, hooray!
2. Prayer Request:
This week, join us in praying for the women in Haiti. We're asking God to watch over them, remind them that he calls them His "beloved", and restore hope to those who may have lost it.
3. Photo/Video of the Week:
The security wall will guard our land as we begin construction and wrap around our future safe house, providing safety to the beautiful women who will call Nadege their "home".
4. Thankful Thought:
With each milestone that Nadege reaches, we are reminded of how lucky we are that God has called us to be a part of this story of HOPE. We're especially thankful for those who have given their time and resources to move this restoration project forward.
5. Weekly Words:
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it's the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead