By: Beth Waterman
Darkness. Love. Hope
I have always wrestled with how to be hope and light. How to see my way through the darkness.
What I have learned, is that one step at a time slowly turns into our journey. This is the great unfolding story of healing, discovery, and hope.
I have realized, that as I take the next right step, in time, an incredible path of encounters is woven together. This is how I began my journey with Nadege, this is how I continue to engage in hope, even in the face of suffering and pain.
Our team spent a week interviewing and listening to the stories of those working among survivors of gender based violence in Port au prince two years ago. What we encountered moved, inspired, and broke me.
We heard devastating stories of innocence stolen, justice left undone, corruption’s strong grasp and I was left feeling overwhelmed. As we continued to interview people across Port au Prince I was floored by the gravity of violence being done to women and the need to address it.
The injustice was almost too much to bear.
“My God!” I cried, why do these women have to be so strong, why do any of us have to be so strong!”
Are you only the God of the lucky ones, bringing comfort and ease?
No, you were the God of slaves.
Enduring suffering. Awaiting exodus. Left alone.
Presence. Peace. Hope. Even in Darkness.
He loved that we might love. A God among us, the depressed, the widows, the lonely, the afraid…
And this promise continues to follow us. As we begin Nadege, one step at a time.
This is the promise for Haiti.
Though we may look about us, and see only darkness, we take the next right step, choosing hope, healing, and a love that darkness cannot overcome.