A Gathering benefiting Nadege Haiti
Released Gatherings are an opportunity to gather with friends and hear about the amazing work that Nadege is doing. Nadege provides hope to survivors of sexual violence in Haiti by a fostering physical, spiritual, emotional and relational healing. In early 2021, despite a global pandemic, financial disruption, and Haitian leadership crisis, Nadege opened the doors to the safe house and welcomed the first young women and her children. We’re already seeing the incredible impact the safe house can have, we need more people to partner with Nadege so we can keep reaching the women of Haiti who are survivors of sexual violence.
At this Released Gathering you will hear about all the amazing work Nadege is doing from founder Emily Hays, and you’ll be invited into the story. We hope you’ll make plans to join us.
HostED BY: Gretchen Lee
location: 9265 NW 26th AVE. Gainesville,fl
Can’t attend the gathering but would like to make a donation?
You can sign up for a recurring monthly gift or a one time gift here.